Title: No Strings Attached
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Ivan Reitman
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman
Runtime: 1 hour 50 minutesWhat It Is? Emma (Portman) is a nurse and Adam (Kutcher) works on the set of a TV show, as a writers assistant. Ever since an awkward summer camp incident, the two keep on bumping into eachother years later. Things soon start to go downhill for Adam, when he finds out his father (Kevin Kline) is now dating his ex-girlfriend, Vanessa (Ophelia Lovibond). He decides to deal with it by getting drunk and calling everyone in his phone, until he finds someone to have sex with him, per the advice of his two best friends (played by Ludacris and Jake Johnson). He wakes up the next day, naked talking to 2 girls and their gay roomate. Their other roomate, Emma. She and Adam hook up that morning. They now make a pact to be “sex buddies” with no strings attached, quitting when one of them feels something more.

What We Think? The last you may have seen of Ivan Reitman’s directing, was My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Other films of his would include, Evolution, Kindergarten Cop, Ghostbusters…to name a few. He isn’t the BEST director, but he definitely isn’t the worst (see: Tommy Wiseau). He was able to maintain a sturdy direction throughout the duration of the film, and both Portman & Kutcher worked well together. While they didn’t have the chemistry that they probably should’ve had, it was enough to maintain a believable bond. The screenplay is based on Elizabeth Meriwether’s screenplay, entitled, Friends With Benefits. While the movie didn’t have a great script, it did provide a few good laughs. The overall “cuteness” or “adorableness” of the films two leads is what carries the film from Point A to Point B. However, No Strings Attached falls victim to the cliche “dramedy” or “chick flick” spell that seems to be cast by every director and writer. It’s predictability is just the one thing that knocks it down a notch or two.

Our Score: C, Ashton Kutcher & Natalie Portman work very well together, and give us some memorable and funny moments on screen. However, the movie does lack a good script and the predictability is in the red. Overall, a good date movie for the up and coming Valentine’s Day.

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