Title: The Adjustment Bureau
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: George Nolfi
Starring: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie
Runtime: 1 hr 39 Mins

What It Is? David Norris (Damon) is a  United States Governor with his hands firmly grasping unto a presidential nomination. But one day while giving a speech  he meets Elise (Blunt) a ballet dancer with a bright future. Quickly he realizes this is not a woman the likes of which he’s ever met before. But there are a few things stopping that from happening. The most of which is a mysterious collective known as The Adjustment Bureau. Said individuals will do anything to keep Norris from Elise, and will do so with the power they possess. Norris however knows that he and Elise are meant for one and other, and will fight the Bureau until they CAN be together, even if it means jeopardizing each others futures.

What We Think: Based on the short story “Adjustment Team” by Philip K Dick this is the ninth adaptation of a Dick novel or short story. And like many of the others it’s a hit and miss. It captures the essence of Dick’s work but lacks most of the quality that make Dick one of contemporary literatures most interesting figures. Damon puts forth a convincing performance, and Blunt makes Elise the perfect balance to Damon’s Norris character. The two stars mix good chemistry with an interesting premise to combined for a sci-fi experience unique to this film. Though the films entire premise is often farfetched, and the actions can sometimes be TOO confusing.  Nolfi does an interesting job with the camerawork, making some scenes seem busy and more lively. A trick  he probably adapted from his last time working  with Matt Damon in The Bourne Ultimatum.

Our Grade: , The too confusing screeplay takes away from the chemistry formed by Damon and Blunt. Mackie’s Harry Mitchell is too undeveloped for us to care, but theres something to be said for a  film that involves Matt Damon running away from people whose identity and moreso intentions are unbeknownst to him. Even if it is an all too familiar formula.

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