Title: Results
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Director: Andrew Bujalski
Starring: Guy Pearce, Cobie Smulders, Kevin Corrigan
Runtime: 1 hr 45 mins

What it Is: Trevor (Pearce) and Kat (Smulders) are both boss/employer as well as almost lovers. When the gym that Trevor owns is inhabited by a new, rich client in Danny (Corrigan) there worlds are turned inside out and upside down. The skeletons in everyones closet are coming out and what’s being uncovered, and realized by everyone involved are not the sort of things you want to come to the surface. Nonetheless each one of them is just wandering through life wondering what’s next. Whether it’s Trevor expanding his business, Kat not sure what the next step is, or Danny on how to cure his loneliness.

What We Think: Saunters along until its dénouement. This is a film built on its characters and sadly none of then are good enough to carry the weight. You hate Kat and Guy Pearce’s Trevor is a good guy surrounded by awful people. It does a great job as a character study but cannot hold the attention long enough. It’s somewhat of a refreshing take on the romantic comedy genre. Most of them stick to tropes, and cliches but this writes it’s own set of rules and doesn’t care whether you think it’s pace is off or not. However the pacing is most certainly too slow to care about.

Our Grade: C, From a filmmaking perspective it isn’t impressive in the least bit. It’s far too slow and it’s characters aren’t interesting enough. Having said all that negative stuff there’s some new additions to the romantic comedy genre. There’s a cool cameo part by Anthony Michael and Brooklyn Decker here, and it was all mostly shot in Austin, TX. It bleeds that city for the most part, and I feel like that spin helped. As anyone whose watched a ton of RomComs can tell you they’re mostly shot in New York or LA, kudos for taking a different spin.

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