Title: Black Mass
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Scott Cooper
Starring: Johnny Depp, Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch
Runtime: 2 hrs 2 mins

What It Is: The story of James “Whitey” Bulger’s (Depp) ascension in to one of the most notorious gangsters in United States history. With the assistance of FBI agent John Connolly (Edgerton) he becomes an FBI informant. It is with this power that Whitey starts to really gain position. As he is at his peak of power an state attorney looks in to this situation. Fred Wyshak (Corey Stoll) is aware of all the things Bulger has done since being granted immunity with his informant status. Is there anyway to stop this maniac? Has Connolly bitten off more than he can chew?

What We Think: This film is heavy man! When all is said and done you’ll need a massage to get rid of all the tension this film brings about! This is the best I’ve seen Johnny Depp in ten years. Joel Edgerton puts in some work, and the whole great big talented cast is killer. I say that literally as well as figuratively. Even the small support roles are in it. For example Dakota Johnson has a particularly heavy scene. One that could have been quite easy to overcook. This truly is a film that thrives based on the intensity brought forth by it’s lead, however director Scott Cooper adds a bit of that tension himself.

Our Grade: A, Not quite perfect due to a complete lack of giving a shit. It doesn’t care whether you like this movie. It’s not here to feed into what traditional book you believe in. Unapolgetic about the content, and moving the story through. Do not good go see this if you do not like F-Bombs or real bombs. Depp had better get his speech ready as we approach the end of the year. Depp’s not the only actor here who should have on their he needs to be ready to receive a gold man come the beginning of 2016. I’m talking to you Joel.

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