Title: Everybody Wants Some
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Richard Linklater
Starring: Blake Jenner, Tyler Hoechlin, Ryan Guzman
Runtime: 1 hr 57 mins

What It Is: When freshman pitcher Jake (Jenner) arrives for college at Texas State University he is not sure what to make of it all. First of all, there’s a group of his fellow teammates already living in their house. Among them are Roper, Reynolds and Willoughby (Hoechlin, Guzman, and Wyatt Russell) as they realize what being adults is really about all the while also partying as hard as physically possible. They’ll dance the night away to disco, country or even punk anything that can get a dance really.

What We Think: I found myself walking away from this film smiling ear to ear. Man did I enjoy it! Not only does the camaraderie amongst our baseball players just work, but the chemistry between Jenner and Zoey Deutch. Linklater crafts characters as he always does and they’re ones that we don’t mind spending time with. I honestly did not want the film to end because I wanted to see what ridiculousness these guys were going to get into next. From theatre parties to their first practice everything seems to just hit as we are guided through this wonderful film.

Our Grade: A-, This is a film that’s near the top of my list for the year. Often considered a pseudo-sequel to Dazed and Confused it certainly has a similar swagger about it. Its almost as if its saying “Hey I’m in College now!” with a resounding eff you. This soundtrack is a monster and features all manner of great era songs. The Knack, ZZ Top, and of course Van Halen all make appearances here and their songs don’t feel out of place at all. I’m recommending this film to everyone and I cannot do that strongly enough! Seek this out and see it. Linklater is proving yet again his mastery!

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