Title: Life Hack
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Director: Sloan Copeland
Starring: Derek WilsonJessica CopelandSean Kleier
Runtime: 1 hr 30 mins
What It Is: When former hacker turned corporate security advisor Charlie (Wilson) must help a friend of his deal with a hacker who has footage of him in the middle of some self-love. Simultaneously Charlie is asked by a friend to help actress Carolyn (Copeland) who after screwing with another hacker has all of her savings stolen. Could they be one and the same? Make sure you tape up that webcam are perhaps you’re next!

What We Think: This is an extremely funny film! Its script is written with a sensibility akin to what director Sloan Copeland was hoping to accomplish. It helps that he wrote the script. In my interview with him and his lovely wife Jessica who stars as Carolyn, I asked him about one particular scene that I found hysterical. A lot of what this film does relies on the chemistry of the cast, the humor of the script and the director’s deft attention to comedic detail. Overall I found the film an utter joy and I’m glad the audience at the San Diego Film Festival where we screened it agreed enough to bestow upon it the Audience Award.

Our Grade: B+, Check this out once it’s available on VOD or a theater near you! Support this wonderful film and its creators. There’s definitely a ton to enjoy here. I am highly recommending this one! It’s funny and I think it’ll have both you and your friends yucking it up. With good performances and a cast of unknown that you should familiarize yourself with there’s a subtle brilliance in the nuance of some of the jokes while commenting on something that I think is relevant to any and all of us with a computer or smartphone. Remember to cover up that webcam, when not in use of course!

Please enjoy my interview with Director Sloan Copeland and actress Jessica Copeland from “Life Hack” from this year’s San Diego Film Festival. Check it out below and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more exclusive interviews countdown of all your favorite things! Also if you’d like to support us PLEASE check out our Patreon HERE we’d appreciate it.



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