Title: Juliet Naked
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Jesse Peretz
Starring: Chris O’Dowd, Rose Byrne, Ethan Hawke
Runtime: 1 hr 37 mins

What It Is: Duncan (O’Dowd) is obsessed with singer/songwriter Tucker Crowe’s (Hawke) music. His longtime girlfriend Annie (Byrne) isn’t a fan of a recently released, previously lost demo from Crowe. She vents this dislike on a forum the Duncan runs. When Crowe messages her, in secret, to express his agreeance it begins an unlikely friendship. One that, if he knew, Duncan would probably never believe. Tucker is in a state that Duncan wouldn’t believe anyway, given the speculation and conjecture that he spreads on his forum.

What We Think: This movie is truly amazing! Rose Byrne gives an honest and truthful performance. The songs, particularly “LAX” written by the amazing Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes, are so good. The story is pretty solid in its foundation. Duncan and Annie never feel like a couple and that’s because they aren’t meant to. Duncan’s real love is Tucker Crowe’s lament. Hawke is fantastic here as the washed-up rocker. Coupled with his performance in First Reformed it’s safe to say he’s having an amazing 2018. So much of the narrative here is simple storytelling by a director, in Peretz, known for telling longer form television narratives.

Our Grade: A-, Yup. This is a film that truly hit me in all the right places. I had a good time. The script is good and the performances are all very real, and everything comes off as something that isn’t too far off from a reality. What makes this film really a fantastic watch is just how easy it is to get through and how it’s 97 minutes flyby. Couple that with the great tunes and you can for sure count on my recommendation of this film, it’ll make you feel good. I think that’s the films biggest positive.

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