Title: Sophie Jones
MPAA Rating: Not Yet Rated
Director: Jessie Barr
Starring: Jessica Barr, Katie Prentiss, Natalie Shershow
Runtime: 1 hr 25 mins

What It Is: 16-year-old Sophie (Barr) is a young woman who is dealing with some things. Her mother has just passed away and she isn’t quite sure how to cope. Couple that with her spiraling out of control and seeking the attention of men as a way to feel something. At a time when her womanhood is blooming the most important woman in her life isn’t there for guidance. Now there’s no telling what say may do in order to deal.

What We Think: I’ve had the luxury of seeing the creation of this film from its infancy. That doesn’t play into my feelings about the film. Neither does the fact that I’ve known about Jessie Barr for quite some time. In fact, it’s high time she got some shine and this film will certainly earn her that. Her hand is slight but overwhelming allowing the script to breathe and the shots to flow without ever coming off too contrived. It’s very much a yarn spun on both the subject of grief and what it is to be a young woman growing into being an adult. The difficulties of having to grow into someone you don’t know without the luxury of your primary feminine role model. As her audience, we have the benefit of getting to look upon Sophie, and Barr’s work lets us feel Sophie beyond the constructs of the material.

Our Grade: A-, This is a film that touches on several subjects lending the film be accessible and relatable to many different people. In particular young woman who might be going through something similar to Sophie. Jessie Barr is a legit force as a director and we’re along for the ride. Full stop. Whatever she’s doing next…count us in! In the meantime check this film out. It deserves to be seen. It needs to be.

Be sure to check out our interview with director Jessie Barr HERE.

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