Title: Moxie
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Amy Poehler
Starring: Hadley Robinson, Lauren Tsai, Alycia Pascual-Pena
Runtime: 1 hr 51 mins

What It Is: Vivian (Robinson) is a shy 16-year-old girl. She, like anyone her age goes to high school. At this high school, their terrible football team is given every chance to succeed. While their soccer team has success after success. Vivian has seen these injustices, alongside several other sexist behaviors. Her mother Lisa (Amy Poehler) was very much a Riot Grrl in her day. Vivian, inspired by the Kathleen Hannah-led Bikini Kill and their biggest hit of course titled “Rebel Girl” creates a zine describing the discrimination and sexism occurring within her school.

What We Think: There’s a real attitude about the whole film and I truly appreciate it. The message it delivers is one that needs to be not just heard but understood by all. That sexism isn’t cool and shouldn’t be tolerated. Hadley Robinson plays Vivian well and she and Poehler really give us true mother/daughter vibes. It was pretty cool to see The Linda Lindas perform in this given the publicity they’ve received recently. The film is funny and the script uses its resources perfectly. Poehler chose the right type of film for her eye and that helps out immensely.

Our Grade: C+, A surprising teen comedy that, though a bit too predictable, delivers a fun and funny experience for the targeted audience. Robinson shines and Pascual-Pena is entertaining in her role. Overall this is the sort of film that’s perfectly at home on Netflix. There are just certain types of films that work on streaming and a teenage rebel anthem against misogyny is one of them. Shoutout to Lauren Tsai who works her role excellently. Despite it being a stereotype… a lot of the roles here happen to fall into.

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