Title: Later Days
MPAA Rating: Not Yet Rated
Director: Brad Riddell, Sanford Sternshein
Starring: Majandra Delfino, David Walton, Audrey Francis
Runtime: 1 hr 30 mins

What It Is: Mike (Walton) wants to do something special for his wife Pam (Delfino) on her birthday. He settles on the ’80s themed aesthetic and invites her friends both new and old. Pam has a lot going on with a relentless client who refuses to cooperate on a legal matter, her kids, and of course her husband. Mike feels like this is the sort of thing to take her mind off of all of that. Only one problem…it’s a surprise. One she’s wasn’t prepared for.

What We Think: Listen. Sometimes a film just reeks of mediocrity. That’s pretty much what this is. Some of the jokes hit but sadly most of them aren’t worth a damn. There’s something to be said for the events that occur in this film and the best I can say is that they happened. I love this festival (SDIFF) but this film had no business there. Specifically, because the accustomed quality is far higher than what this delivers. A meh script with blase performances isn’t what I wanted or needed. No, I can say with the utmost certainty that nothing here is done particularly well.

Our Grade: C-, Meh. If you get bored at any point in your day this might be something worth your time. As it stands it’s simply too blah to care about and is easily forgotten as soon as credits roll. Not typical fare for SDIFF. Honestly, if it’s a .99 special and you wanna see some white privilege get utilized then by all means. I however am going to just go ahead and bid this adieu for the duration of my life. I literally don’t care about this film or its attempts at humor. Thankfully it’s a 90-minute comedy so you can easily get in and out of there.


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