Title: Knock at the Cabin
MPAA Rating: R
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Starring: Dave Bautista, Jonathan Goff, Ben Aldridge
Runtime: 1 hr 40 mins

What It Is: Eric (Goff) and Andrew (Aldridge) have brought their seven year old daughter Wen (Kristen Cui) with them to a vacation cabin in the woods. It is here Wen runs into the gigantic Leonard (Bautista) who at first seems harmless enough despite his size. It is once we find out why Leonard is out in the middle of nowhere that everything we assumed about Leonard is dead wrong. You see he is here to assure that either Eric or Andrew sacrifice themselves for the good of the rest of the world.

What We Think: This was the right story for Shymalan to tell. Not only is it a suspenseful thrill but it is one that from a narrative standpoint seems to fit what Shymalan likes to do really well. Dave Bautista if you weren’t aware is fantastic at every role he takes on. Here he infuses Leonard with so much humanity. The acting on the whole is very good and perhaps Shymalan’s veteran status is helping him direct these actors. Speaking on the story, it has a twist in it but unlike previous M. Night films this one works so well.

Our Grade: B, A nice surprise early in the year and one that sees a director who’s often (rightfully so and not) seen as a punchline, slightly redeem himself. One to watch for thriller fans out there. It has a tension that coils and unwinds at JUST the right moments. This is a testament to the director. It’s a good looking thriller that doesn’t stay in the literal darkness as some film of similar ilk do. There’s life to it…even if death may or may not be imminent.


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