Title: The Fault in Our Stars
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Josh Boone
Starring: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, Laura Dern, and Sam Trammell
Runtime: 2 Hrs 6 Min

What It Is: It’s a tear adventure. Like many adventures there are highs and then there are lows. The Fault in Our Stars had its share. Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley) understands that this world is finite. She watches reality shows, goes to doctor’s appointments, takes eight prescription drugs three times a day, but the real horror is her support group. Luckily for her she meets Augustus Waters (Ansel Elgort) the cocky, confident eighteen year old that wants to live an extraordinary life that’ll set him in the minds of those to come. Their adventure isn’t one full of pretty people and happy endings. It’s a journey of understanding the human condition, the pain that must be felt, and the love of two people who’s time together ins’t infinite. You see, some infinities are bigger than others, but forever is what both Augustus and Hazel will have.

What We Think: If you’re not afraid of crying (you shouldn’t be afraid of crying) then I suggest you watch this movie. John Green is the author of the novel the movie is adapted from, a Youtuber with crash courses in many, many subjects. Green has done a marvelous job with the book and the movie is no disappointment in my opinion. Hazel Grace might have started out as a very blunt character, never sugarcoating the truth about her cancer and her possibilities of death. Her lessons came from her experience and love for Augustus and Augustus himself learns a thing or two from her. Hazel Grace may not have been loved widely, but she was loved deeply, just like Augustus. It was a shame to leave the theater at the end, I missed the characters already. I missed their truths and that is the making of an extraordinary film.

Our Grade: A+. This movie gets a top score for the simple doing of being truthful. Hazel’s cancer might have given her a default ending to an already unstoppable end to all of us, but she didn’t want anyone’s pity. She cursed at her favorite author, loved Augustus with all her life, cried for her due destiny, rejoiced in her present moments, but she decided to breathe and live despite her lungs being stubborn.

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