Review: Stallone, Frank That Is


Title: Stallone, Frank That Is
MPAA Rating: G
Director: Derek Wayne Johnson
Starring: Frank Stallone, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Runtime: 1 hr 13 mins

What Is Is: A documentary that showcases the life and times of Frank Stallone, one of the most versatile talents in Hollywood for over 4 decades, through the eyes of family and friends, as well as Stallone himself.

What We Think: This is quite a relaxing documentary. If you don’t know who Frank Stallone is (like I did before this review), I highly suggest checking this one out. It’s paced like your average talk heads documentary while offering insight into the underappreciated career of Frank Stallone. The man has done quite a bit and this documentary shows how talented and professional he really is in his craft. What’s also pretty cool is that various friends of his such as John Oates and his brother Sylvester Stallone are featured in the documentary and share their stories about Frank. There’s also some cool behind the scenes footage for the original Rocky films! However, the main focus of this documentary is of course Frank himself, and that doesn’t get lost in the documentary at all.

Our Grade: B, If you’re looking to find out who Frank Stallone is, this documentary is your go-to place. Laid back with a touch of tribute, Stallone, Frank That Is definitely makes the man stand out, coming from the famous Stallone name and into the spotlight.

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