Title: I Love You, Daddy
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Louis C.K.
Starring: Louis C.K.Chloë Grace MoretzRose Byrne
Runtime: 2 hr 3 min

What It Is: Glen (C.K.) is a television writer. He’s rich, successful and has a daughter that takes advantage of him. This daughter, China (Grace Moretz) meets a MUCH older film director Leslie (John Malkovich) a man notorious for his love of much MUCH younger women. The two begin to see each other. Likewise, Glen begins to woo actress Grace (Byrne) who is old enough to be his other daughter. All the while Glen is trying to get a new show written and shot by fall sweeps.

What We Think: When you watch this film there’s this constant nagging need to want to shower throughout. I don’t know why C.K. chose black and white? Perhaps he wanted a Woody Allen type feel? Perhaps given the subject matter going for Woody was not the best choice. Narratively it has a Bogdanovich vibe…but not as good. All the acting is solid there’s no issue there. I’m a man that firmly believes in separating the art from the artist. This film is still none the less completely creepy. It’s a feeling you cannot shake. It doesn’t help that the film itself is completely boring.

Our Grade: D, Do I recommend this film? No, not at all! It isn’t a complete failure, in fact, the black and white though an odd choice adds to the cinematography. That is pretty much the saving grace for this otherwise disaster riddled film. Louis C.K. will probably never receive the chance to direct another picture in Hollywood. That’s neither here nor there though because really it wasn’t all that well directed nor put together. Additionally, you probably won’t be able to find the film, save you look deep into the interworkings of the internet at this point.

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