Another week another gaggle of picks for you guys! Sorry about last week ( I was busy moving!) Here’s this weeks picks from the largest streaming service around. As usual feel free to suggests picks to us! Use the comment section below OR hit us up on Twitter, Insta or Facebook @FilmSnobReviews! Without further ado…LETS DO IT!


Title: Teeth
Rated: R
Directed By: Mitchell Lichtenstein
Starring: Jess Weixler, John Hensley, Josh Pais, Hale Appleman
Runtime: 1h 34min

“The toothed vagina appears in the mythology of many and diverse cultures all over the world. In these myths, the story is always the same. The hero must do battle with the woman, the toothed creature, and break her power.”

This movie on a technical level is solid—solid setup, solid writing, and character development, so on so forth. Makes it an easy, sort of campy watch. It’s a really fun, violent flick (especially for those with a certain genital set). On a deeper level, I’ve found this movie to be really compelling and introspective in that it covers the suppression and censorship of sex in conversation and how it affects the youth. It’s especially grounded in considering the main character Dawn’s own struggle to get to know her sexuality and her body and presents that the real monster is that of not knowing (thy self). Teeth does have moments that actually make me sort of emotional and is something that everyone can relate to. It plays on the fears society impound on us when we’re young and how it can be hard to come back and educate and understand ourselves as we are. Add horrifying, satisfying scenes of vengeful dick-capitation, and you’ve got a winner in my book.


Title: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Rated: TV-14
Directed By: Susan Johnson
Starring: Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish
Runtime: 1 hr 39 mins

“For someone who has such grades, you can be so dense sometimes.”

A Netflix pick and a Netflix original, Lara Jean (Lana Condor) and Peter (Noah Centineo) concoct a plan involving a fake relationship that becomes very real. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is a part of a new age of honest teen movies where they not only portray a diverse cast but break stereotypes of what it means to be a teen. My high school experience was nothing like this film, so I’ll admit I’m a little jealous of the fictitious easygoing high school romance. The character Lara Jean articulates her thoughts and feelings better than most sixteen-year-olds, not getting as bent out of shape when things don’t go their way, which I think is very powerful portrayal in contrast to teen movies with young female characters who are vengeful and mean. And then there is the shot composition. Something about the film’s story and framing is poetic. I can’t wait for this new wave of positive teen experiences to dominate the film scene.


Title: Blue Valentine
Rated: R
Directed By: Derek Cianfrance
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams
Runtime: 1 hr 52 mins

“I’m so out of love with you. I’ve got nothing left for you, nothing, nothing. Nothing, there is nothing here for you.”

This movie is the scariest love story of all time. Bear with me.

This film juggles between a sweet, star-crossed couple’s humble beginnings and the years after their marriage failed – where they have a child, a deceased pet dog, and very unhappy lives. This isn’t a movie where you ever realize what went wrong in their relationship. This is not a movie you can spoil. This is not a movie you can necessarily describe the plot of, because everything boils down to little inconsequential bits in a fruitless, vacant, and empty union of disillusioned souls. The film does its best to convince you that these people love(d) and care(d) for each other, but then it immediately undercuts this idea through simply clever, brutal, and honest storytelling. Marriage, after all, is something most of us just aren’t prepared for, even when we think we are. Even a guy who looks like Ryan Gosling can get it horribly, horribly wrong. And that’s what scares the living crap out of me.


Title: Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Rated: R
Directed By: Nicholas Stoller
Starring: Kristen Bell, Jason Segel, Mila Kunis
Runtime: 1 hr 51 mins

“He turned down a blow job from his ex-girlfriend… mid-blowjob. You know how hard that is for a man? It’s called blue balls. He’s like Gandhi! But better – he likes puppets!”

This movie is the ideal post-break-up movie. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a real reminder that it is possible to get over someone and it possible to still find love after breaking up from a long relationship. The storyline is amazing, and the cast brings the entire film to life. The all-star cast features, Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Russel Brand, and so many more star actors. As a viewer going through a post-break-up, it is so easy to relate to Peter Bretter, played by Jason Segel, as he climbs out of his depression and tries to better himself after losing who he thought was the love of his life. Each step of the breakup recovery process is demonstrated so well, while also showing the humor of it all too. The movie has a beautiful mix of jokes and sincerity. You’ll laugh, cry, and believe that things are going to get brighter.


Title: Kill Bill
Rated: R
Directed By: Quentin Tarantino
Starring: Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Daryl Hannah
Runtime: 1 hr 51 mins
“ Bill… It’s your baby.”

A true classic from Tarantino, Kill Bill is a must watch for any film fanatics. This film explores and successfully utilizes different timelines in order to tell the full story. Frequently, Tarantino will choose to go back to the past and reveal the protagonist and the antagonists’ motivations. Each of the villains are all different– even going as far as having a different medium for one of the villain’s backstory (a Japanese woman’s backstory is animated as a Shounen anime! How cool is that?!) It’s entertaining through and through, and it is especially satisfying to see The Bride (Thurman) getting her rightful revenge on all of the people who crossed her. The audience can not only see but experience her growth mentally and physically throughout the movie, creating a relatable character that also promotes feminism. Go, Thurman! If you are looking for something with gore, action, and a good resolution, Kill Bill is the pick for you!


Title: The Bachelors
Rated: Not Rated
Directed By: Kurt Voelker
Starring: J.K. Simmons, Josh Wiggins, Odeya Rush
Runtime: 1 hr 39 mins

“I can’t stay here anymore.”

Dealing with grief is a helluva thing. And in this fantastic and heartbreaking piece from director Kurt Voelker illustrates that perfectly. J.K. Simmons’ speech here hits all the right notes even if the script can sometimes wane into cliche territory. One of if not my favorite film from last years San Diego Film Festival this one checks all the boxes for me. Make sure you bring the tissues for this one! You will need them! Als,o Julie Delpy is marvelous as a fellow teacher (to Simmons) that might be the thing that helps this grieving father cope. His son, is likewise, finding that perhaps a troubled girl is just the things he needs to help him.

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