Title: Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person
MPAA Rating: Not Yet Rated
Director: Ariane Louis-Seize
Starring: Sara Monpetit, Felix-Antoine Bernard
Runtime: 1hr 31mins

What It Is: Sasha (Sara Monpetit) is a normal teenage girl, a normal teenage girl that happens to be an 68 year old vampire, that is. Since she was young, she has never been able to kill for food due to her underlying sympathy for humans. To survive, she has been relying on blood bags her vampire family has supplied for her. Enough is enough, though, and her family has decided it’s time for her to learn to be independent and kill for herself. Lucky for her she’s befriended a Suicidal teen boy named Paul (Felix-Antoine Bernard). Could this be the solution that she has needed to finally feed herself?

What We Think: This is such an adorable little film I had to watch it twice. I very much so enjoyed myself with this movie. What we have here is a teen comedy involving vampires and boy do you get exactly what you sign on for. The vampires are actual vampires that are murderous bloodsuckers. Dressed in red light for the majority of the film, this film oozes atmosphere from the first frame until the last. It feels Gothic and leans very heavily into that feel, creating a mood piece that deals with serious subject matter but never takes itself too seriously. The jokes are never laughing out of your seat funny, but I found myself with a smile while watching the majority of this film.

Sara Monpetit’s depiction of Sasha and her chemistry with costar Felix-Bernard is oozing with adorable awkwardness. They both exhibit two shy teenagers that you automatically want to root for the moment you see their friendship begin to spark. Sara Monpetit’s performance feels at times like someone wise beyond their years, and at others with a very youthful innocence, bringing home the idea that just because she’s 68 in the film, it doesn’t mean she’s not a teenager. Vampires just age slower in this universe and you can really tell that aspect from her performance.

Our Grade: A+, This film is a film that is so enjoyable it feels like it’s gone by in minutes rather than its hour and a half runtime. It feels like a fictional world with its own set of rules but flows very smoothly. If I had to liken this movie to something edible, I’d say it’s like a rich Red Velvet cake. Very, very sweet. I have no negatives to say. Awesome Gothic fever dream that feels like a mixture of Let the Right one In and a cute teen romcom. If you want a charming, light-hearted little vampire movie, I highly recommend this. One of the most enjoyable movies I’ve had to review in a while


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